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Has God ever told you to Batten Down the Hatches? In 2016 He told me to do just that. I knew a storm was coming. I just didn’t know what or when.
And I really didn’t know how to do what God was telling me to do. I think I focused on what was going to happen more then how to prepare for it. I prayed about it but when I didn’t get an answer right away I gave up and went about my life.
The storm started in 2017 with horrible pain and stiffness in my left shoulder. Then in my right shoulder. For those of you who know me or follow my blog know I use my arms for every thing. My knuckles and fingers swelled up. I wasn’t hardly able to bend my left thumb. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. And was given steroids until I could see a Rheumatologist and be put on the right medication.
Before all this started I was not on any medication. When I was on medication it was usually an antibiotic that took care of the problem. The arthritis medication wasn’t going to make it go away it was only going to control it. I had a hard time accepting that.
I was on the medication for a few months and was able to stop taking the steroids. Unfortunately that only lasted a couple of months before I started having breathing issues. I couldn’t breathe without the steroids. The doctor prescribed an inhaler and ordered a pulmonary function test. The results came back inconclusive.
Before you know it I was using three different inhalers a day and the doctors still didn’t know why I needed them. They finally came to the conclusion that because of my curved spine one of my lungs is compressed the other is stretched. So bottom line, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my lungs.
We have tried four different times to get me off the steroids. It hasn’t worked so far. They even tried reducing them by only 1 mg. I was okay for about four days, before I couldn’t breathe and went back to 10 mg.
So, I went from being healthy, not using any medications to having an auto immune disease controlled somewhat by medication. Breathing issues that won’t allow me to stop taking steroids and three inhalers every day.
Sadly the storm wasn’t over yet. I had heard of arthritis flare ups but never had one until October 2019. Then I had a bad one in my right shoulder that required an injection for the inflammation. Prior to the flare up I was able to walk most places when I was in public except large places like the grocery store or Walmart. After the flare up I couldn’t walk except short distances because my right should was still stiff. I lost a lot of my independence. I wasn’t able to get up from the floor or get in my wheelchair from the floor anymore. My dad built a ramp so I could get in and out of my house.
Finally the storm was over. I always prided myself on my strength and independence. I didn’t have much of either one left and I didn’t like! But, I accepted it. Because I thought I had to. Stay tuned for the next part of the story.