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I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Psalm 139:14. All of us have allowed things in our lives to mold us into who we thought we should be or who others said we should be. Whether it was things that happened in our childhood, our circumstances due to a disability, or just some poor choices. As a result we aren’t fully living as the person God created us to be. Someone once told me you can’t be someone that you’re not. So, why are we trying to be someone other than who God created us to be?

We live in a world where there are tons of people who try to put us in a box and make us fit what they think we should be. Or they say things like “you’re worthless” or “you’ll never amount to anything” And we end up getting hurt and put up walls to protect ourselves. In order to live as God intended we have to forgive and allow God to heal us mentally and emotionally. Here’s what I’ve learned on my journey to being who God created me to be and how I’ve gotten past those things in my life that were holding me back.

I realized one day that I was allowing the things people had said and done to me to keep me from being who I really am and doing what I’ve been called to do and I decided that was going to stop. A big eye opener was when my Pastor at the time said the nasty things people say to us isn’t what God thinks and we don’t deserve to be treated that way. I came to the conclusion that the people who had said and done those hurtful things to me will have to answer for them some day not me. Then I was finally able to forgive those that had hurt me. The hardest part about giving it over to the Lord is you have to allow yourself to feel all the pain one more time as you give it to Him. Then it’s gone! With me there were some residual side effects that I had to deal with. I still had a feeling that I wasn’t good enough and I had the attitude that people didn’t like me. I decided I was the best I could be and if it wasn’t good enough for some then that was okay, because I couldn’t be who they wanted me to be. As far as having an attitude that people don’t like me I gave it to God and started seeing they really do. By doing this it brought healing and allowed God to do the things in my life He wanted to do. And I was able to begin seeing who I am in Christ.

We are all created to be unique and we are all called to do something different. I’m called to prison ministry, sometimes I wonder why, but I know the reason I was allowed to go through the things I have is so I can help others that have been through the same things. I’m still a work in progress, but, I hope what I’ve shared will help you begin your own journey to becoming who you were created to be. Allow God to begin showing you who you are in Him. You were created for a purpose and God has a wonderful plan for your life.

6 thoughts on “Becoming Who God Created

  1. I love your blog post! I have to be honest I used to be the person that listened and believed what everyone said to told me I was. It was very hard to forgive those people who were not nice and to not believe what others tell you. You made an amazing point that it is easier to forgive others when we give it to God! We have to stop trying to please everyone else and listen to what everyone is saying because the only person’s opinion that matters and the only one we should listen to is God! Amazing Post!

  2. Thanks for the great reminder. I need to remind myself sometimes that the critical thoughts I think about myself are also not of God and go through the process of forgiving myself as well.

  3. Hi it’s Brenda from RubyHemMinistries.com This is the point that I’m at right now in my life. Time to make some big changes. Glad to see the light at the other end of the tunnel. Thanks for sharing!

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