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Little Changes Mean a Lot

Guest article by Kim Thomas

If you’ve found yourself in a rut and you’re not sure how to move forward, it may be time for some lifestyle changes – with a new schedule and a fresh outlook, it’s possible to build your confidence and achieve the goals you thought were previously out of reach. Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Exercise isn’t just important for your physical health, via the release of endorphins and the social benefits of working out with others. You may find a new regime boosts your mood throughout the week. If you’re out of practice or differently abled, start with small steps and encourage yourself to work your way up. Remember, progress looks different for everyone.


Overcoming a negative mindset can be easier when you have someone to help guide you. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a professional therapist (although this is advised when you’re undergoing serious mental health issues). Sometimes just having a friendly shoulder to lean on or saying a prayer can do wonders for cultivating a positive mentality.


A clean space is a clean mind. It’s important to take the time out of your week to declutter. Dispose of any unnecessary possessions, wipe down surfaces, and put away items not in use within your home. This is essential during the working week, so you know you have an orderly, restful environment to which you can return.


It would be easy to overlook scents and aromas and the effects they have on our mood. But, a few incense, candles, or even air fresheners can quickly change your home’s atmosphere. Before you make a purchase, take the time to explore different flavors. Think carefully about how they make you feel. It might even be a good idea to invest in some plants, as these can purify the airways to allow for new scents to prevail.


Journalizing your thoughts can be a highly therapeutic activity akin to therapy. If you haven’t already, try investing in a new notebook and writing down your experiences/feelings on a daily basis. This can be a useful means to look back at previous mindsets and either learn from them or mark progress over time.


It’s difficult to overstate the far-reaching effects that our careers can have on our lives. If you’re struggling to build confidence, there’s every chance that your job might be keeping you down. If you believe this to be the case, try seeking out alternative employment avenues. A change in career may provoke fear or anxiety. But, to affect long-term change, it’s important to summon your courage and set a high bar.

If you don’t believe you’re qualified for the roles that you want, it can often be a good idea to first return to education. Remote learning means that it’s now possible to study whilst working full-time – a master’s degree can help you to learn key skills in leadership and management, for example.

Cultivating a positive mindset is never easy, but, if you want to see long-term results, you’re going to need to put in the hours. Start by focusing on attaining a sense of calm & contentedness and, with this as your foundation, you can begin to build on your long-term goals


Kim Thomas is on a mission to spread the word of healthy living in the face of chronic diseases. In seeing family members deal with obesity and heart disease, Kim wanted to take action to spread awareness and lifestyle change options. This led to the creation of US Health Corps, a resource for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Outside of her work with US Health Corps, Kim spends time crafting, hiking, and spending time with her husband and children.

Image by Pexels

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