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I know one thing a lot of people are concerned about in the upcoming election is the protection of pre-existing conditions. I’m not going to try to persuade you to vote for one candidate over the other. What I do want to talk about is my experience with the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obama Care. It has been touted as being free. Which it is in the fact that you can qualify for a tax credit and not have to pay a monthly premium. However, my deductible was $7000, and I still had a copay for office visits and prescriptions. That’s not my idea of free health coverage! I know those of us who have pre-existing conditions (I’m talking about physical disabilities since that is what I have), and are still able to work have had a hard time in the past getting insurance. That isn’t necessarily the case anymore. Now states have a Medicaid Buy In Program. It’s Medicaid for the disabled who are still able to work. There may be a monthly premium, mine is $160. However I have never had to pay it. I also qualify for a prescription Medicare program that helps with insurance premiums, which is why I believe I have never been charged the $160. So, for those of you who are physically disabled but still able and wanting to hold down a job check with your state and see if they participate in the Medicaid Buy In Program.

I’ve told you all this just to say, getting rid of the Affordable Care Act isn’t really a bad thing, there are alternatives out there for the disabled. Both candidates have said they will make sure pre-existing conditions are still protected. Just think about what kind of coverage you’re going to get from each candidate and get out and vote, unless you’re like me and are voting absentee ballot. My ballot has been cast, has yours?

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